Security Summit Agenda

The Security Summit will be a two-part summit taking place virtually September 10-11, 2024, from 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM EDT each day. This summit will include two 60-minute sessions each day with a 30-minute break between sessions.

All sessions will be recorded and available to registered attendees for 6 months following the Summit. All attendees will receive more information shortly after the summit with details on how to access the recordings.


Tuesday | 10 September 2024

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM EDT

Protecting Integrity: Contract Cheating, AI, and Protection for Your Assessment

Moderator: Rachel Schoenig, Cornerstone Strategies

Panelists: Michael Clifton, Morning Side Legal; Camile Thompson, College Board; Kristen Chittenden, Turnitin

Contract cheating is nothing new, but AI has given it a super-boost. Today, contract cheating tools are faster, more accurate, and cheaper than ever. Join industry experts as they discuss contract cheating and the impact of AI, how the “super-boost” from AI is impacting the academic and credentialing space, and potential methods for addressing contract cheating. We will explore the broader ecosystem in which contract cheating thrives and various tools for protecting your assessment against contract cheating.

11:00 AM - 11:30 AM EDT


11:30 AM - 12:30 PM EDT

Integrity: AI and Deep Fakes in Assessment

Moderator: Rose Hastings, Duolingo

Panelists: Ray Nicosia, ETS; Ashley Norris, Meazure Learning; David Yunger, Vaital

Test-taker authentication and observation are key aspects of exam security. By using various authentication and observation tools, testing programs can have confidence that the right exam is given to the right person and that the resulting scores were earned under secure and appropriate conditions. Generative AI technology, however, enables individuals to create fake videos, voices, and images known as deepfakes. The tools for producing convincing deepfakes are becoming increasingly available, creating challenges to our traditional methods for test-taker authentication and observation. Join panelists as they explore the world of deepfakes and what testing programs should be aware of to better maintain the security of their assessments.


Wednesday | 11 September 2024

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM EDT

Fortifying and Protecting your Testing Program: Leveraging AI and Data Forensics to Stay Ahead of the Game

Moderator: Isabelle Gonthier, PSI Online

Panelists: Patrick Watts, PMI; Sarah Toton, Caveon; Bryan Friess, Pearson

This session describes how AI is being used to help protect programs from exam fraud and cheating. It explores strategies and mechanisms employed with AI systems, data forensic analyses, and related tools. Panelists will discuss opportunities and challenges in leveraging AI to assist with detection and decision making in regard to exam misconduct. Using practical examples, the panelists will illustrate how embedding AI in the analysis and detection of test misconduct can help develop precise response plans to uphold test integrity.

11:00 AM - 11:30 AM EDT


11:30 AM - 12:30 PM EDT

AI: Darth Vader or Obi Wan Kenobi?

Moderator:  Gary Behrens, Fifth Theory

Panelists:  Simmy Ziv-el, Prometric (Finetune); Melissa DeWees, Proctorio; Jake Ritz, Ascend Learning

AI applications which enable dubious behavior by test takers clearly pose a dark threat to exam security. In response, testing organizations are taking counter measures by deploying AI applications intended to detect potential fraudulent behaviors. At the same time, testing organizations must respect societal expectations of fairness and regulatory requirements for safe AI. This session highlights the value proposition of AI as a beneficial force to protect both business and examinee interests with integrity. Panelists will discuss the roles and importance of policy, governance, risk management, and cybersecurity in ethical, responsible, and compliant use of AI for both exam creation and test security.


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